cbs log delete
cbs log delete

IcangotothefileanddeletethefilesintheCBSfolderwithease.Justrightclick/shift/delete.SoIcreatedashortcutofthe'C:-Windows ...,Toansweryourquestion,yesitsafetodelete.Youmayalsoperformadiskcleanuptodeletetemporaryandsystemfiles.Here'sthelink.Do ...,Un...

How to stop the CBS.log file from growing so large?

Toansweryourquestion,yesitsafetodelete.Youmayalsoperformadiskcleanuptodeletetemporaryandsystemfiles.Here'sthelink.Do ...

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I can go to the file and delete the files in the CBS folder with ease. Just right click/shift/delete. So I created a shortcut of the 'C:-Windows ...

How to stop the CBS.log file from growing so large?

To answer your question, yes it safe to delete. You may also perform a disk cleanup to delete temporary and system files. Here's the link. Do ...

Windows CBS Log File Eating Up Disk Space

Under Service status, click Stop, then click OK · Use File Explorer to go to C:-Windows-Logs-CBS. · Delete all of the files in that folder · For ...

Can I delete CBS Persist Logs from Windows Server 2008 R2

You can safely delete logs in c:-windows-logs-CBS, but don't touch WinSxS, your server won't boot if you mess with the folder's content.

Why is CBS.log file size 20 GB

Delete all the .log files in the C:-Windows-Logs- CBS directory, delete the .persist and .cab files as well; Enable TrustedInstaller.exe again.


Yes. Highlight all of the files in the CBS folder and hit the Delete key. If any files are in use (one or two will be in use) then you will not be able to ...

Can I delete CbsPersist logs safely, your opinion please.

Hi,. The logs in that folder are needed to diagnose problems with the installation of Windows Updates, you can delete all the logs except CBS.

Is it safe to delete the CBS.log file?

Yes, it's safe to delete log files in Windows, as long as you use the right tool. Deleting log files can free up disk space and improve system ...

CBS.log file sitting at 147GB : rtechsupport

You will need to stop the Windows Update service to delete the CBS log files. Win+R to open the run window, type services.msc and click OK, scroll down to ...


Delete the CBS.LOG & the .CAB files. 1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to 'C:-Windows-Logs-CBS' folder. 2. Delete the CBS.log file.


IcangotothefileanddeletethefilesintheCBSfolderwithease.Justrightclick/shift/delete.SoIcreatedashortcutofthe'C:-Windows ...,Toansweryourquestion,yesitsafetodelete.Youmayalsoperformadiskcleanuptodeletetemporaryandsystemfiles.Here'sthelink.Do ...,UnderServicestatus,clickStop,thenclickOK·UseFileExplorertogotoC:-Windows-Logs-CBS.·Deleteallofthefilesinthatfolder·For ...,Youcansafelydeletelogsinc:-wi...